
This picture of a sunrise is a symbol of what I feel D.O.O.R.S. represents: a new beginning...
As with the picture I, too, am at a beginning that's new.  It commenced with reading, "Creating Affluence" by Deepak Chopra, which altered my perception to wealth as well as to my Self.  Matter-of-fact, should anyone ask, Deepak Chorpa SAVED my life!  By reading his book it literally transformed my existence.  It lead me to create a Vision book, i.e. a mobile vision broad, caused me to heal old wounds, promoted me to finish Love's Ground (which transformed me to being a storyteller), nurtured me to fall in love for the first time in my life and sustained me to cultivate new   friendships as well as reconnect with old ones, one of which was Robin Downes.  This wonderment of a person encourged me to give birth to my dream beginning with this Blog.  She has inspired me to honor my womanhood, my Self hood, by exemplifying these principals with her own living as well as her own vision through her company YogaFlava.  This is how initially I met her, as my Yoga instructor, and then as in now she continues to teach me how to evolutionize my being.  So I want to take this moment to give heart felt thanks of deep appreciate and sincere gratitude.  Because without Yemaya, the Goddess of my soul, as well Robin's belief in me not to mention the vision she saw for me that I was able to create what I present to you now, which is an opportunity to transform as well.... 

My name is Kioni Yakeeni and I see myself as a facilitator to the services that will take the pieces of your life evolving them to your peace of mind.  This is why I end all my correspondence's with "Blessings of Peace".  Fore through Peace, which is the ultimate blessing, one gains stillness, stillness births focus, focus ignites drive, drive leads to dreams fulfilled.  This is the intention of having a picture of the world's map as the back drop on this Blog.  Fore when you walk through D.O.O.R.S. you will be restored, galvanized to the citizenship of the world that you didn't know was your home....  

Blessing of Peace,



  1. Deepak also saved my life and is the reason I took my first Yoga class!


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