Twilight with Yemaya |
Spirituality has everything to do with your finances, I venture to say. You're spiritual state can effect your finances positively, as when you are saving with a conscious of abundance and gratitude (as in when putting a dollar aside each day generates $365 at the end of the year) or negatively by shopping more than your saving. This action, shopping a.k.a. spending, demonstrates you're handling your issues at the cash register and not with what drove you there and I'm not talking about your mode of transportation. I am talking about the feelings which prompted you to buy the items that you may or may not have worn or may or may not STILL have the price tags attached; funny thing though, the feelings always dissipate with your purchased item. There's even a flip side to being financially healthy, wealthy and wise to the point where a good friend of mine was forced to save so much, this being instill by her father, she had to assert herself to live to life in the now, not one day when she retires. Her father suffering from money hording. Even the pronunciation of the word purchase brings enlightening. Per chase, you're going after something, which turns out to be nothing which is exactly how you end up feeling.
You may say, "I don't know what you're talking about. Shopping feels phenomenal!" Again I am not referring to "during", I’m referring to "after". You know: after you get the credit card bill; after you spend money designated for food; after, even if you’re wealthy, buying more of the same, because you have an image, you can't wear last season- that's the after I'm referring too.
"Well," you say, "That could be me, but what does that have to do with anything? Everybody shops." True, yet excessive shopping i.e. purchasing toward destruction, that's a different issue. That means the purchase(s) brought did not fill the hole, wholeness, within which has your life in pieces. Pieces to the tune of you're no longer managing your finances due to them now managing you. Yet peace does come. Arriving when you realize the dis-ease in you is materializing in the form of your mindless spending. The correction is simple. Be mindful. Spend consciously. Know where you put your dollars will not make sense (cents), if you are not internally happy. Mindless spending is trying to mange pain from the outside in. Conscious spending is overcoming pain, dealing with the issues of your soul-wounds, helping you to heal your pain from the inside out. This produces wisdom showing your value is not purchasable because it's in your heart and called self-esteem. This wisdom, this esteem, teaches you people value and love you for how you treat them, who you are-not what you wear and never what you own.
Now the journey of transformation from buying in to saving yourself is not an easy one. Yet it is extremely worthwhile given the attainable rewards. This is not only yourself, yet something beyond which has been waiting for you to acknowledge IT all your life. Whether you call IT God, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, I call her Yemaya, but until you call IT, IT cannot come to help which is all it ever wanted to do-that's where the combination of finances and spirituality begin.
"How?" you may ask, "How can financial resolutions using spiritual principals teach me how to repair my credit?" Some I mentioned earlier, yet here are a few more examples: honestly asset your finances; spend and save with a purpose in mind; live within your means; help somebody; talk to a financial advisor; read, meditate; pray. These examples can lead to solutions for creating opportunities where finances and spirituality become helping hands to solvency.
Blessings of Peace,
Below are some links to aid you in your wealth conscious building:
Abraham-Hicks: Allowing Your Financial Abundance
Money & Spirituality-Do They Mix
Free Money Finance: Questions About Tithing
Business, Spirituality and Niches
Creating Affluence: Wealth Consciousness in the Field of All Possiblities
Tips for Wealth Consciousness
11 of Today's Leading Financial Experts
Blessings of Peace,
Below are some links to aid you in your wealth conscious building:
Abraham-Hicks: Allowing Your Financial Abundance
Money & Spirituality-Do They Mix
Free Money Finance: Questions About Tithing
Business, Spirituality and Niches
Creating Affluence: Wealth Consciousness in the Field of All Possiblities
Tips for Wealth Consciousness
11 of Today's Leading Financial Experts
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