Without You

Greetings Family,

Jody's Mystical Image

This blog was inspired by a good friend of mine, Jody-Lynn Butler, who I call the practical mystic, more on her in a upcoming blog.

However she gave me some very wise as well as cleansing advice regarding EX-MAN.  Her suggestion. Write a letter celebrating him.  Fore it was due to his treatment, his behavior, his demeanor, I would not have become the woman I am now.

So after much prayer and meditation, Yemaya, in the car, gave me this to convey.

Breathing in...breathing out....

EX-MAN you are:

to me.

Isn't my Goddess a genius!!!  I'm soooo proud this! Jody phenomenal idea!!!

Thank you Yemaya, fore without you, I am nothing.....

Blessings of Peace,

