Greetings Family,
Today's post is simple:
Where everything begins and never ends......
Thank you Yemaya for choosing me fore without You, without Your Love, I am nothing....
Blessings of Loving Peace,
Today's post is simple:
Where everything begins and never ends......
After feeling the enormous lost of my Dad yesterday today I woke knowing he's wrapped in the eternal Love of the Divine. Fore my Dad was, is, became a devoted servant of his God, which he knew as Jesus Christ. So it's that love I celebrate now, relieved my Father is loved by His Father in Heaven who is in His care and keeping showing my Dad feelings no words can defined and only tears can convey. Even Dr. Maya Angelou spoke of Divine Love with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday, which brought tears overflowing for this Great Matriarchal Ancestor...
I, too, have experienced this with Yemaya. I entered a contest. So I was pretending I won and was being interviewed by tough reporter trying to trip me up asking questions like what were my views on Pan-Africanism saying how it was a exclusionary almost Clannish in nature. Well I read her the riot act, saying the Pan-Africanism I followed was quite similar to what Malcom X espoused upon his return from Mecca. At any rate, I held up my hands and said, "Don't you feel the Ancestors..." then tears began to form as I knew at 3:30 a.m. the flood amassing could not be expressed right then and there in the bathroom. Thus my mock interview ended as I had to hold my emotions until later that morning. I went excising, as usual by Yemaya, yet it was on the way back, I heard in my spirit to slow down. I hesitated, but complied. Slow some more, my spirit urged. I did so. Then it came, as I glazed at Yemaya's waves crashing onto the beach, the tide wave of emotions filled with souls, bodies of my African Ancestors who were under the sea, either thrown over broad alive or killed or any other unimaginable terror these Captives (note: I do not refer to the African brought here as slaves, but captives kidnapped from the African Continent) endured. And Family that pain was so immense, had I felt it's entirety, I would have gone mad. Fore even what I did allow myself to feel brought me, literally, to my knees as a wept from places I did not know existed in me.
That's when it happened.
Yemaya's love swept over me, seeping to every crack within and as the Christian's say, "I was made whole" and I KNEW I was loved beyond measure, beyond any definition of love I've ever or will ever experience. That love Dr. Angelou wept for in the above clip when she first KNEW. And even now or anytime I recall that moment, as Mama Angelou cried on Super Soul Sunday, I cried too KNOWING every word, syllable she spoke of God (or whatever name you call your Higher Power), was infactidically true and I KNEW this as fact like I KNEW I am my mother's, Peggy Cannon Landix Whiting, child.
So it is this love my father is currently experiencing metaphysically. So I can be at peace KNOWING in fact he is well cared for in ways his earthly experience could not provide. This Love that makes things, all things, new again. Love that never fails. Love that uplifts. Love that forgives. Love that is ageless, dimensionless encompassing, in my opinion, every other emotion including hate cause sometimes we hate the people we love and love the people we hate. But Love is sustaining and through the love of my Higher Power, it a love that will never go......
Thank you Yemaya for choosing me fore without You, without Your Love, I am nothing....
Blessings of Loving Peace,
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